Impending Dependent

August? How is it almost February? It’s hard to find a spot to pick up from, but I’ll give it a shot and resurrect this blogging thing again. I think I was avoiding writing “it”down, because that makes it more real. It = life, and life was getting in the way. The photos of Instagram give only small insights to our happiness and we all know there is much more to life than sunshine and rainbows. {But, Erin did snap a great photo of me this week at the cove!}

We had a pretty great end of the year, all things considered. Trips to Hawaii, Yosemite, Mammoth, Phoenix, Joshua Tree, Santa Barbara and more. I’ve started my transition into part time to lessen the blow to the shop for our impending move. And to enjoy my time left on the west {best} coast.

Oh yeah, that big elephant. It’s no surprise. My husband is in the Navy and I suppose we can’t stay here forever. We’ve been lucky. He’s been basically based in San Diego since he enlisted in 2007. He went to school in Virginia Beach and lived in Mississippi before his boat was commissioned and that was all before we were married. He’s done a trip around South America and we’ve done only one full deployment. And we all know what happened at the beginning of the 2nd.

It’s almost as if life has been a blur since the summer of 2014. I think things are starting to become better balanced as his appointments are fewer and farther between, his heart is responding better to the pacemaker, and things are looking up. I’m starting to swim:bike:run again {in moderation}. Now we {I} just have an across the country move to organize! We don’t yet have orders in hand, and I promise I’ll keep this updated once we have definite plans!

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