1:07.54! 9:11 swim, 33.41 min bike (PB – 20.7 mph!!) and 24.04 run. 5 club races at Coronado this year. Next month it moves to Fiesta Island. Recap – 1:19, 1:14, 1:10, 1:09, 1:07. Twelve minutes drop in 5 months. hurray!I tried out the no wetsuit idea. Okay, I admit…a wetsuit helps everyone; including swimmers. I returned my sleeveless to Xterra that I was super unhappy with and got the next step up full wetsuit at a great deal. I wore it to the cove on Friday…and hate it. Again, too big behind my knees, in the front of my shoulders, and in the small of my back. The next size down is too tight. They say they don’t have anyone in the middle of sizing…but apparently I’m an exception. Annoying! Returning it and giving up on Xterra. I think I’m going to get a De Soto 2 piece.
So my swim was slower, and more brutal. I got elbowed in the back and pretty beat up on the way out. I also made a rookie mistake and was following this girl, and stopped looking forward. Next thing I know we are passing the first buoy and missing the turn. Seriously? I actually laughed at myself during the race. So I get in from the swim and my transition was pretty quick with no wetsuit. I hop on my bike. Oh, didn’t reset my computer…that was stupid (so I reset it). I’m thirsty. Oh, I didn’t put my water bottle back in the cage…that was stupid (so I suffer). Hmm I need to get this gunk out of my throat. Oh, giant luge in my eyeball (nasty!). Alright focus, complete circles, start pushing, but not too hard, there is a tail wind. Elizabeth passed me on the way out, but I had a good push on the way back and ended up seeing her close to the end of the bike. What? I’m catching her? sweet! I ended up getting out of T2 faster than her as well. Obviously that lead ended .1 miles into the run. LOL. I was super excited about my fast bike split and the way I felt on the run – which was surprisingly good. I didn’t feel like I was going to puke at the end! I ended up 4th (my best result) for the women. Two girls passed me on the bike and I ended up re-passing them on my persuit back. But again, they passed me back on the run. But that was it. I had a really great time.
Saturday afternoon was spent at Don’s house for a really nice BBQ. Conversation, beer, and friends. Stephen, Brendan, Jason and I went bowling in the evening (137 high score!) and also made it to an Irish bar for some live music. Sunday I woke up at 5:45 to go for Cami’s Sunrise Swim at the cove. She unfortunately couldn’t swim due to a stingray incident so she watched me swim. I had the entire cove to myself. It was the most refreshing (read: cold) swim that I’ve had. I wore my new orange suit and orange goggles and I felt like I was one of the Garibaldis. Sunday afternoon I went to brunch with a friend and hung out on the beach to round out a great weekend.
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