Velodrome Rocks! 2 weeks ago I went with Nikee and last week Bethany joined us. Last night was the last race of the season and we invited a whole TCSD crew out for some racing enjoyment. Track cyclists, sweet fixies, and beer make for a great Tuesday evening activity. Check it out at Next season starts in April. Lessons are hopefully instore this winter.
So. I’m a swim coach for the TCSD Wednesday night JCC swims. We’ve been asked to write a bio to introduce ourselves to the club in the next newsletter…and I’m having a hard time deciding between 1st and 3rd person and how much humor to add. Here are the options and the picture Bethany took of me at the Cove last friday in my new T1 wetsuit:
Rachel has been involved with swimming since she was six months old when her parents enrolled her in water babies. She continued through college, attending the University of North Dakota where she earned four All-American honors. She took two years off and got into triathlons after her move to San Diego in March ’08. Open-water swimming started in the lakes of Minnesota and now continues in the
Pacific where she competed in her first open-water race this summer, the 5 mile La Jolla Cove Tour of the Buoys, in under 2 hours. Rachel has coached age group swimmers as well as instructed way too many hours of swim lessons.
Rachel: Lover of the La Jolla Cove swims, high elbows, and men in speedos. I am a rock climber, a triathlete stuck in T1, and now a JCC TCSD a swim coach. I’ve coached age groupers as well as instructed way too many hours of swim lessons. I enjoy helping new swimmers find their technique and experienced swimmers refine their technique. I was a water baby at six months, a High School State Champion, a synchronized swimmer, a collegiate All-American, and now I am an open-water swimmer and triathlete in training.

Rachel: Lover of the La Jolla Cove swims, high elbows, and men in speedos. I am a rock climber, a triathlete stuck in T1, and now a JCC TCSD a swim coach. I’ve coached age groupers as well as instructed way too many hours of swim lessons. I enjoy helping new swimmers find their technique and experienced swimmers refine their technique. I was a water baby at six months, a High School State Champion, a synchronized swimmer, a collegiate All-American, and now I am an open-water swimmer and triathlete in training.
Training is going well. Monday I had a sweet run after work and then went to Bethany and Julie’s to watch Center Stage (horrible chick flick, yes) because JCC practice was canceled. Tuesday morning was JT’s ride where I only had to go 90 min this week. I did a 25 min transition run afterwards. Not sure what this evening will bring, but tomorrow is Dale’s masters practice and running with Chad afterwards. Looking forward to Pumpkinman in a couple of weeks!
And yes, I’m still impatiently waiting 4-6 more weeks for my bike.
Um whats up blogger? Nice to see you in the blogoshpere! See you in the morning