It’s been one big party on the bike. Almost 200 miles in a week and a half and I still can’t wait to get back on it. Last week I managed to make it to JT’s ride Tuesday and Thursday. It’s starting to look like masters swimming is taking a back burner. It’s hard enough to get on the bike with arm warmers that early in the morning; I can’t imagine jumping into a cold outdoor pool. Boohoo, I know I live in San Diego; it’s what, 55 degrees in the morning?
Last Saturday was the November club race; my first one on Fiesta Island. The race was awesome – even after only running once since P-man…hmm, could it be this new gleaming machine I get to ride on? Or the extended calm swim? (thanks Cory!) Whatever it was, the race couldn’t have been better. I ended up 2nd for the women.
Here’s the breakdown:
1:19.40 Final Time
1000 yard swim 11:08
12.5 mile bike 35:37
1st loop (2 miles) 17:56
2nd loop (2 miles) 14:59
The swim was amazing. Yes, I still love my De Soto wetsuit. I ended up 2nd out of the water (behind a UCSD guy, and one second ahead of Jim Vance who was drafting off me almost the entire way back). I hopped on my bike, using Dianna Black’s socks – hey I was moving this weekend = scatter brain. 5 laps around the south loop. I paced myself as if I was swimming the 500. First lap settle down heart rate/spin, second lap get into the pace, third is about control, fourth increases intensity and fifth would normally be all out (swimming) but I kept the pace of the fourth. Elizabeth caught me on the final quarter mile and we were exchanging conversation about JT giving her crap. We headed into the transition together, and I was out first…but we all know that ended right away into the run. First lap…not too many men passing me, but I know I’m running slow. I feel heavy and sluggish like I’m running through jello. I’m thirsty. I grab my water as JT is running behind me through the transition cheering me on, take a swig, and toss it back at him. Brendan catches me at the first turn and is running with me. Wow Brendan, thanks! He has water (lifesaver!) and begins to tell me to push the pace. He continues to look back for a girl who I assume is hunting me down. No sign yet. I’m feeling surprisingly better with the increased pace. I knew I’d have to put the hammer down, so “at the next sign” we’ll pick it up. We passed a man who passed me at the beginning of the 2nd lap. Crap, did I pick a sign too far out? Am I going to bonk? Why am I doing this again? No get those thoughts out! Finish hard. You’re still in 2nd. Don’t give up now. Continue to lift those heels. Finish!
Woohoo! I got a pretty orange medal and $25 gift certificate to the Running Institute. Sweet! Plus the usual yummy yogurt/fruit/granola post race meal. Here are some of the great pictures Caleb took at the race. I smile when I run? Must have been the only moment.

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