Giving another weekend update:
Friday was a beautiful cove swim. “Raced” back from the ½ mile buoy in 11 min. I think someone was holding back. 🙂 Friday night was poker…and I WON! Holla! Hot tub and pool time led to a late night and a lazy morning. Finally convinced Toly to get off his butt and out for a ride. We did possibly the slowest 20 miles ever…and yeah I tortured him the whole time. Someone was a little hungover. 🙂 My bottom bracket was making a very strange rubbing noise and had a lot of drag. He got a flat as well. LOL great times. Saturday evening was even lazier than the morning. Pool time again.
Sunday was more productive…in perspective. Considering the very unproductive weekend I had. I coached Lou…someone is getting better! 🙂 and Steve in Coronado in the morning and brought my bike to the shop. Hung out and watched Cory take the crank off 3x. Seriously, what is up? Sunday afternoon was cleaning and laundry…ahh I can breathe. A bunch of us met at Damien’s rooftop for a pool party Sunday evening. Sweet views of downtown and the bay. Actually made it to bed at a decent hour. Someone was smart. 🙂 I woke up on Monday for a Great Western Loop ride. Was feeling great…got a flat at mile 7. No one waited. Tire was shredded. I have 650cc wheels and only had 1 co2 and 1 tube. I just figured I’d change it and head back rather than risk another. Four miles back I realized I left my sunglasses where I was changing the flat.
Lovely. Rode back, found them, then rode home. Oh did I mention the bracket was rubbing again. Dropped it off at the shop. Again. Hey, I got a good 23 miles in. No climbing. No GWL. Somehow, someone ended up making me breakfast, lunch and dinner on Monday. 🙂 Sweet! An evening La Jolla Shores swim capped off a pretty fun weekend.
Work today has been eventful. I asked to transfer back to my Point Loma office. Not enjoying this horrible commute, as well as other issues. I start back down there, 1.0 miles from my house, tomorrow. Adventures ahead.
Short week this week and next (MN wedding). Stephen A is living it up in Italy…watched Cav win the Florence stage. Oh so jealous. He’s back Monday and I leave early on Thursday the 4th which is his birthday. Someone’s catching up to me and turning 25! 🙂
I do not remember taking that picture