Was in a sentimental mood today, when a friend forwarded me a picture (the last one). I was thinking about the friendships that I’ve had in my life, and how so many have affected me, and how most are still present. I was thinking about how so many of them stand up for me, and help me when I’m down. Each one of them can make me laugh.
There are a lot of definitions for “friend” but one of my favorites is, “A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are.” Here is another photo filled blog post.
A friend is someone who will always be there. Annie, my best friend since 1998ish. She’s an amazing lady, busy with med school so we don’t talk often. Although we are many miles apart, we seem to come together quickly when re-united. She is “my buddies,” my marshmallow Peeps/peachie companion, and my high school giggle pal. We are full of inside jokes. Although our friendship started out in the pool, it lasted way beyond those countless yards and endless synchronized swimming hybrids. She is and always will be my best friend.
Friends are people you admire. The Pink Ladies, friends since 2002, roommates from 04-06. Each one of these ladies has a special place in my heart. This is our Christmas card from our senior year…lifting your spirits. Below that is our most recent reunion at Kayley’s Wedding this past month. We have an unbelievable bond that has been through alot, and has yet to break. They have all lifted me when I was down, and would do anything for me. The ghetto of 821 S 25th st holds a lot of history in those walls. Missy, Kayley, Katie and Kari will always be “my college roommates.”
Like I said before, friends lift you up when you are down…or when you need some fun! Airplane rides with turbulence are something I share with my friends. Here is KK on her last airplane ride as a single lady!
A friend is someone who will pose for a karate chop dance move with you. Keaton, the most metro straight guy you’ll ever meet, friends since college. Keaton listens with true interest and gives the truth straight back at you. He always say the right things, even if it’s not what you want to hear. He knows how to console, listen, advise…which is why he’s a great life coach. He’ll always return your phone call, and always make time for a friend in need. He also gives great fashion advice without making you feel like a piece of crap wearing sweatpants. Judging without judging?
A friend will hold their breath for (with) you. Mare, foreigner, friend since 2002. This crazy chica from Estonia entered my life wearing trousers drinking coke, speaking British English in North Dakota. She quickly learned our crazy slang, pants and pop, and was instantly welcomed. It was fun watching her come out of her shell, and really getting to know her throughout our four years together. Mare para, you will always bring a smile to my face.
Friends are people who will dance the night away. College friends. Mostly swimmers, and mostly friends since 2002 when we all became Fighting Sioux. These guys are my teammates, and they know more than anyone what I went through to get where I am as an athlete…because they did it as well! Only swimmers understand how crazy swimmers are. Sacrifices, injuries, and downright hard work are what we went through to attempt at achieving success. UND alumni at Kayley and Nick’s wedding.
A friend is someone you can lean on. Mike “Pink Pants” Evans, friend since 2006, cat like climbing skillz. This man taught me so much, not only climbing, but boys, relationships, and life. He showed me how to climb with my legs not my arms, the art of smearing and slab climbing. He pushed me to perfect my technique and for this I am grateful. He listened when Amanda and I were having boy problems. He is like a dad that you can talk to about girl stuff…as odd as that sounds, it works. Now that I’ve moved away from Minnesota, I miss having that watchful eye, and that hearty laugh.
A friend is also someone who will catch you when you fall, and hold on for your life. Literally, here, Mike again, on the north shore in Minnesota. One of my favorite routes.
A friend is someone who can change with you. Amanda, bad ass climbing chica, friend since 2006. This lady is the sickest, strongest, girly girl I know. I can have the girlyest conversation with her one minute, and crank on the hardest 5.11 route the next. She pushed me in the gym, when I gave up on competing, so sick of it from college. She would pull hard, so I’d pull harder. I got stronger because of her. A friend will do laps up and down all the 5.7-5.10s in the gym with you, training for something that was so far out my league, and prepare you for something so amazing. We went to Mexico, led ourselves up multiple full day endeavors, “manning” up and getting it done. We came back as bad ass climbing chicas. Now that I have left, she is still here for me on the girly girl front.
A friend is someone who will train with you. Bethany, bionic babe, friend since 2008. She is one of my first girlfriends in San Diego. I met her at my first club race and got to know her a couple times at the cove and on the TCSD Saturday Del Mar rides. She has gone through alot, but somehow manages to listen a little when I need it. We signed up for our first Ironman together, St. George, Utah, and will lose our IM virginity together. Looking forward to a winter full of training.
A friend can be new, but you know she will be forever. Erin, fellow midwest transplant, collegiate swimmer, friend since 2009ish. This girl knows how to have fun, and look good doing it. I see many days of giggles in our future. Although she is probably my biggest competitor, I wouldn’t want anyone else to beat me more than her. I met her last summer and don’t know how we didn’t hang out more until recently.
A friend can take you places. Petuina, custom Guru triathlon bike, friend since November 2008. Yes, I’m calling my bike my friend. She never talks back, is always willing to go for a ride, listens to how I’m feeling, responds to my requests, looks hot, yet makes me look hotter, and is Fast (thus making me fast). She rides well with others and stands out in transition so I know where I can find her. She is mine, and I love her.
A friend is someone you can watch the past with and dream about the future. Nikee, fellow swim coach, friend since 2008. Another San Diegan friend for life. This little chica has a big personality, and a warm midwestern heart. She has been through her share of heartache and success…so swapping stories with her is always good. Caleb took this picture of us at the cove last Friday.
My friends have empathy and sympathy. They give honesty when others would have trouble giving the truth. There is a mutual agreement and the desire to want what is best for one another. All my close friends know how to hug me. So, this got a little more personal than I usually go, but I guess I was in a sentimental mood. I’d just like to say thanks to the friends above, and the friends who I didn’t mention. I think John Lennon said it best, “I get by with a little help from my friends.”
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