My husband was just named his divisional sailor of the quarter. Pretty awesomesauce. He has a write up posted in the hallway of his workspace. Who does he list as his inspiration? Me. What?
I’m so happy for him. He really makes the best of every situation. Kyle hasn’t had the easiest life. But he has has the best attitude and has taught me a lot and has given me even more to be thankful for.
My inspiration throughout my training has obviously been him. He’s stuck on a big grey boat in the middle of the Persian Gulf. For 8 months. Every time I thought about complaining about my run sessions in freezing MN, or my early almost freezing bike rides on Fiesta Island, I’d think of him. Stuck on a boat and unable to get out and do the things he loves. So I ran and rode for him. Although my once weekly noon masters was enjoyed for me. 🙂
So here I am, in Panama, “embracing” the heat that I came fully knowing, yet fully unprepared for. I suppose setting up a treadmill and trainer in the sauna at the Y is probably beyond frowned upon. So I am looking for inspiration. And I found it back where I started.
In Kyle. Who is embracing the spin bike lately in their non-air conditioned gym in the middle of the ocean, middle-eastern location. Imagine the sweatiness. Okay don’t. Yuck.
The race is a day away. I couldn’t be more excited. My Panamanian host, Brendan has been awesome. We’ve also taken our new friend Haley around with us. She is coached by Brian too, but she’s actually a pro. 🙂
Fun times at the Panama Canal and an interesting taxi ride home. Ready to toe the line at 7:06am tomorrow morning!
"Passageway." 😉 Avast!
Pway Dave..
Go Rachel!