summer love

Zen running. I’ve never believed in it {or understood is probably a better word} because I’d never experienced it. Runner’s high. Yeah, not so much from the “land” of swimmergurl. But tonight, I think I’ve come as close as I’ll ever get to the feeling of floating. We aren’t talking about cranking a 6min/mile pace, floating like Meb. Just one of those runs where no body parts are barking back. Where your mind is at ease with every step. Where I finally felt at peace with where I was at, in those exact moments. The run wasn’t forced, nor planned and definitely not fast. I ate dinner {a lovely one, prepared by my husband} and watched an episode of House of Cards. We discussed tomorrow’s plan and then I decided to run.

At 8pm. On a perfect summer evening. In Ocean Beach. I don’t think a run can get much better. The sun had just set and the clouds were colorful, hovering above the ocean. A slight breeze made the run out quiet and the way back tranquil. The San Diego river was calm and the ocean was tucking itself in for the evening.
Anyway, I digress with setting the scene. It was just one of those runs I won’t soon forget. I’ll fold that into my heart and bring it out during this next run block of training, where I’m sure the zen will quickly fade as the mileage and pace ramp up.
June has come and gone. And there was only a hint of gloom, which has since past. I get to keep my husband home for a couple more months. I’ll reflect back including my yearly benchmark race report alongside my first mtb race in a post to follow.

Is this real life?

I got to meet Meb!

Happiness is.

One Comment

  1. July 6, 2014

    I have had a couple of those moments this year too. They are pretty awesome! The scenery sounds amazing.

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