Category: Uncategorized

May 4, 2015

Ah barrio. My favorite race is now tarnished with an avoidable crash. I’m glad it was my fault because now I don’t have to feel angry at anyone besides myself. And I’m also glad I didn’t take out anyone…

March 4, 2015

I was always a planner, a goal maker, and an achiever. I had an uncanny ability to believe in myself and the certainty that every goal I had would be checked off. Living in northern Minnesota meant I still…

January 24, 2015

Slow and me aren’t really friends. I’m a first born, type A, get shit done, fast and efficient, type of woman. I’m a swimmer, a triathlete and a bike racer. It’s always been a race against the clock. And…

December 25, 2014

I started writing our Christmas letter and I had to put it down. It was getting a bit depressing and the theme felt repetitive. Rode bikes. Went on vacation. Kyle went SVT, got shocked, got an ablation. Repeat. Vacation,…

November 21, 2014

Kyle’s third ablation. *********** Finding a “starting” place, looking back to the past, is more difficult than I remember. I suppose it’s harder to put challenging times to words, than the race report, podium shot posts of the “on…

October 28, 2014

I just cried for 8 min straight. I have the best of friends, near and mostly far, who created a little video. These nine ladies {and their babies} have impacted my life in a way that can’t be made…

October 8, 2014

I know it’s only October, but I’ve had a full year and I’m looking to press reset and start again.    A year full of sunshine and rainbows, and a lot of smoke and mirrors on the rainy days.…

September 19, 2014

I’m heading to Tahoe 70.3 with mixed emotions. I’m excited to race my heart out, but at this point I’m feeling more like a participant. Taking a look at my training calendar the past month…yeah, um…crickets. My life calendar…

August 17, 2014

Lake Tahoe is a pretty amazing place. I think I’ve put the Trans Tahoe swim relay on my yearly must do list. After the awesome time I had last year with Erin H. on a team we hardly knew,…

August 4, 2014

Back in 2008, the Camp Pendleton sprint was the first race I picked and registered for after moving to San Diego. I ended up racing Spring Sprint and a couple of TCSD club races in the meantime, but this…