
Longest Run Ever! Sweet!
I don’t usually toot my own horn. Side note: I played the flute through high school, so I was a flutie tootie, so, yes I used to toot my own horn (and polish it as much as I currently clean my bike – something about expensive possessions). Tangents. Also, a bunch of my tri club friends ran Carlsbad marathon/ half…kudos. So yeah, 10 miles doesn’t seem like a lot to most…but my previous long run was around seven and a half. We are measuring baby steps into this whole running thing which I have been procrastinating at lately. Superfrog is in 2 months. Yeah, I need to step it up. Sundays are supposed to be long run days…and for a variety of reasons, (priorities, laziness – see old blog posts) I had yet to complete one. I decided to run for an hour and a half, and have Bethany join me for the last 30 min. It was her first “real run” so we both had epic mornings. If you can believe it, that picture is post run…how I had energy I have no idea. Lovin the garmin and ipod shuffle (b-day present from the roommates!)
10.08 Miles
8:45 pace (sweet under 9min miles!)
179 bpm average heart rate (under my usual 185bpm)
So, surprisingly I felt great.
Saturday, Stephen and I were going to do an easy 30 mile loop that we created on Friday at work. Bethany calls and invites me to the Swami’s Del Dios loop with a bunch of tri-clubbers (Kevin, Chris, Don, Beth, Lorenzo, and Eric) They were leaving from Fletcher Cove…hey why not? Roll out at 8:30 and head up the coast on some filthy, wet roads. That “easy” ride turned into a crazy sprint as the actual Swami’s group caught us before Elfin Forest…and we decided to catch the back of the train. I got dropped on a downhill…it was wet and there was no way I was going to fall off my bike going 35mph downhill with a 90 degree turn at the bottom. I made it through the newly paved (awesome!!) forest and to the church pretty quick. We all reconvened and headed out for the quick downhills of Del Dios. I was pulling our group for a while, but as usual, got dropped on the uphill. Gathered again, and finished on the rollers with Stephen and Beth’s fiancé, James. The first time I did that loop I think it took 2:34…this time 2:13. Yeah, I have a nice bike…but now I actually train because of it. Progression. Here we are at the church. After the run on Sunday, my roommates and I hosted a housewarming party. We had a bunch of people over and had a blast. I think we ended up with 15 bottles of wine…not that I’m complaining! Monday was 4500 boring yards at masters and hockey. Tuesday was JT’s ride, hot chocolate and a nap before work (nice brick run, right?) and climbing. This morning I went to masters again and Joe was the coach…he never lets down. Main set:
8×300 broken:
1×200 on 2:40 through the set and
1×100 on 1:20 for #1,2,5,6 and 1×100 on 1:15 for #3,4,7,8
Thursday Brendan and I are supposed to go on a trail run through Rose Canyon…that seven and a half mile run. 🙂 Friday I’m off at noon (WOOT!) and I’m thinking about an epic Great Western Loop bike ride with Nikee (and anyone who wants to join).
So here’s to 10 miles under my belt, getting faster on the bike, and to dragging myself out of bed for masters swimming. 2 months till Superfrog!
P.S. Happy Birthday MOM!!

One Comment

  1. January 28, 2009

    Add on “The Love/Hate Ride” on Sunday.
    Mileage: 41.1
    Location: South County Inland
    Climb Elevation: 4,522 ft

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