
Sunday Stephen and I went for a nice stroll on the 101 (okay, not really a stroll) but we stopped by Nitro in search of a replacement buckle for his bike shoe. Instead we found this: To most, this isn’t funny, right? It’s just a random dusty vintage bike on the wall of a bike shop. To a couple of Bike Snob followers, this is hitting the jackpot. Lately we’ve been following this blog and then having our own running commentary on almost every ride. We’ve spotted a couple of Y-foils which bike snob repeatedly makes fun of. Even after our frequent pie plate sightings we had yet to take a picture of our findings.
Until now. That guy rocks.
Anyway, the lotus in my picture is the actual bike Lance Armstrong rode before UCI banned the non-traditional frame.

This weekend we camped with TCSD at Borrego. We found something Bike Snob would be proud of: a road bike, with clip on aero bars, a downward slanted seat, a disk wheel, and a triple “granny gear.” Oh yeah, and it’s a bright orange Trek. Wow. Sadly, no pictures, but I may see this bike again in the wild and won’t miss the opportunity again. Anyway, the primary reason for the trip was for Don’s delicious tri-tip, but secondly to try out a new ride. 25 miles up hill, 25 miles down hill. The roads were nicer than the Salton Sea ride and it was a good hill training ride for me. Afterwards I went on the worst brick run ever. It was hot. I felt horrible. I threw up when my heart rate went over 165. Hopefully that was just a fluke. Also, since we are crazy, we went for a short run when we got there on Friday night, at 11:30pm. It was almost a full moon on Friday the 13th…

Sunday we got back from the Lotus sighting and played tennis for an hour before heading to the ocean for a sunset swim. The water warmed up! Can’t wait till I can lose the wetsuit!

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